Independent On-Air Talents Wanted!
Welcome to Country USA.Online!
Are you a budding radio announcer? Are you looking for a place to display your talents?
Never has it been so easy to let the world know about your experiences, business, stories, poems, music or just about anything else – including your hidden talents that you want to share with the world.
Country USA.Online in rural West Linn, OR makes it easy for your to do all that.
You can have a talk show, music, entertainment, advice, news, storytelling or even advertise your business.
Country USA.Online is here for you. Country USA.Online is the place for you!
We’re seeking independent on-air announcing talents that would like to record their own one-hour Country music-oriented shows and have them played here on Country USA.Online.
For a modest fee of $20 per week your one hour Country-oriented show will be placed into rotation and aired at least a dozen times per week.
Content must adhere to FCC Guidelines but may include advertising and public service announcements.
If interested please contact Country USA.Online: 424-242-6006 or